Frequently Asked Questions

Classes and Instincts

What do the different Instinct colors mean?  Strikers deal damage, Vanguards move more, Engineers collect extra Resources, and Scavengers get discounts.

What Class should I pick?  They're all good.  Try a Class that you haven't played yet, or pick the one that looks coolest.  


How many Resources do I start with?  Before the first turn, every Base and Commander collects 1 of the Resources they are on top of.

Am I capped at 8 Resources?  Yes.

How do I get Bismuth?  Resource rolls, Instincts, trading, specific Gadgets, and discarding Gear can give you Bismuth.


How many times can I move?  Once per turn, unless you have a Vanguard.

How does the Transporter work?  It costs one move to get on, and one move to get off.  When you're on a Transporter, you can jump to the other Transporter as many times as you want.  The Transporters hexes can be considered the same hex.

Can I move after I build something?  If you can afford it, you can do anything in any order except attacking.

Can I move into Water?  Everyone can move into Water, and Water does not slow you down.

Can I move after I attack?  No.  Your attack is launched after you end your turn, so it's the last thing you do.

Do Bases move?  No.  Only Thistilian Vanguard Bases can move.

Spending and Gear

Where do I build Bases?  In the same hex as your Commander.

Can I remove my Bases from the board?  Yes, but you don't get the Resources back and you lose 10 HP regardless of Armor.

Can I keep destroying and rebuilding Bases to gain HP?  No.

What does _____ do?  Your Reference Card explains all the Gear.  Find more details on Page 5 of your manual.

Can I use _____ the same turn I bought it?  Yes, unless it's an Artifact.  See Page 5 for Artifact rules.

Do I need to discard _____ after using it?  Only Artillery and Gadgets must be discarded after use, unless explicitly stated by your Gear.

Can I hold more than 3 Gear?  You can always store Gear in your Gear Slots.  If your Gear Slots are full, you can only hold 3 Gear in your hand.

What should I buy?  Prioritize building Bases, eventually buy Gear that gives you damage, and maybe buy a Gadget here and there.

When do I use a Station?  The Gear in the middle of your cost table can be purchased from anywhere.  The Gear highlighted in red must be purchased from the Item Station, and the Gear highlighted in blue must be purchased from the Upgrade Station.

How many Items/Gadgets can I buy in a turn?  All of them, as long as you can afford it and you have enough room in your inventory.

To buy an Item/Gadget, do the Resources need to be the same?  Yes.

Is slotting/unslotting Gear free?  Yes, but you can't move your Gear if it's not your turn.

Can I put a Gadget in a Gear Slot?  Yes, but this is not required for using a Gadget.

Can I slot an Artillery and buy another?  No, you can only have 1 Artillery.

Can I have more than 2 Armor?  No, you should only use Armor and Weapons matching your inventory color.

Are there Armor mods?  No.

What's the difference between green, purple, and orange Gear?  There are 3 of each Common Gear (green), 2 of each Rare Gear (purple), and 1 of each Ultra Gear (orange).


Are there limits on trades?  Only for Gear that does damage: a player can only receive 1 Weapon, Weapon Mod, or Artillery per turn from trades.

Can I trade for nothing/give things away for free?  Yes, but keep in mind the trade limit above.


Can I move after I attack?  No.  Your attack is launched after you end your turn, so it's the last thing you do.

Can I equip Gear right after I attack?  No.  You have to wait until your next turn.

Can I attack more than 1 person?  No, unless explicitly stated by your Gear.

Can I destroy enemy Bases?  No.

Do I need to discard _____ after using it?  Only Artillery and Gadgets must be discarded after use, unless explicitly stated by your Gear.